Trusted Osteopathic/Chiropractor for Complete Wellness | Lynbrook

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Promoting Optimal Health and Balance with Osteopathic Care

If you are in need of a medical doctor or chiropractor in Lynbrook, NY, rely on Broadway Medical & Chiropractic. For many years, we have specialized in back pain and neck pain, chronic pain, sciatica, and much more.

Our professionals will help you resolve all of your aches and pains. We are here to provide the necessary support and care you deserve. For a great service in Lynbrook, NY, call on Broadway Medical & Chiropractic.

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Personal Injury

Broadway Medical specializes in personalized care for personal injury cases. Our targeted treatments aim to alleviate pain, improve mobility, and enhance body function. Catering to injuries from falls, work-related incidents, or daily activities, our skilled team crafts customized treatment plans. We emphasize holistic healing for rapid and effective recovery.

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Auto Injury

At Broadway Medical, our auto-injury care is tailored to alleviate pain and aid recovery post-accident. Utilizing spinal adjustments and specialized techniques, we focus on treating common auto-related injuries like whiplash and back pain. Our approach is non-invasive and holistic, ensuring you regain mobility and wellness even without relying on medications.

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Comprehensive Services

Broadway Medical is dedicated to enhancing pain relief, providing corrective chiropractic treatment, and promoting overall wellness for our patients. Explore our services below and contact us to book your first appointment. We are eager to assist you in finding ways to live a better, pain-free life.

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Meet Dr. Siegel: Your Doctor at Broadway Medical

At Broadway Medical, Dr. Jeffrey Siegel stands out as a passionate and skilled chiropractor committed to leading patients to optimal health. Renowned for his expertise in chiropractic manipulation techniques, he ensures each patient's experience is both rewarding and effective. Since joining Broadway Medical, Dr. Siegel has been a driving force in encouraging patients to achieve their health and fitness goals.

With a BS from Bloomfield College and a doctorate from New York Chiropractic College, his extensive education is further enhanced by his licensure with the New York State Education Department and membership in the New York State Chiropractic Association, reflecting his commitment to chiropractic excellence.

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Expertise in Osteopathic Medicine: Meet Dr. Joseph Vitoulis

Dr. Joseph Vitoulis is a distinguished family practitioner with dual board certifications in family practice and osteopathic manipulation, graduating from the New York College of Osteopathic Medicine in 1995. Since completing his residency in 1998 at Peninsula Hospital Center, he has been dedicated to private practice, focusing on a wide range of medical conditions with a particular emphasis on the musculoskeletal system. His expertise as an osteopathic physician brings a unique, holistic approach to patient care, considering the interrelationship between the musculoskeletal system and overall health. Dr. Vitoulis combines traditional medical treatments, including prescription drugs and surgery, with manual therapies to provide comprehensive, whole-person healthcare.

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Customized Wellness Solutions at Broadway Medical & Chiropractic

At Broadway Medical & Chiropractic, we tailor treatment plans to your unique health needs. Our offerings include electrical muscle stimulation, interferential current therapy, and microcurrent therapy, along with custom foot orthotics, spinal adjustments, manipulation, and decompression for comprehensive spinal care.

As primary care providers, we also specialize in sciatica treatment and chiropractic adjustments, supplemented by suboxone treatment for addiction care. Our dedicated team fine-tunes your treatment for optimal results, ensuring a personalized approach to your health journey. Experience bespoke care at Broadway Medical & Chiropractic, where your wellness is our priority.

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Electrical Muscle Stimulation

Our electrical muscle stimulation therapy uses controlled electrical impulses to enhance muscle contraction, aiding in pain relief, muscle strengthening, and rehabilitation. This non-invasive treatment is ideal for patients recovering from injuries or surgery, as it helps restore muscle function and reduce recovery time. Additionally, it's an effective tool for improving circulation and preventing muscle atrophy in individuals with limited mobility.

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Spinal Adjustments

Dr. Siegel performs spinal adjustments to correct misalignments in the spine, effectively relieving pain and improving joint mobility. These adjustments help restore proper nerve function and enhance overall physical well-being. They are particularly beneficial for patients experiencing back pain, neck pain, and headaches.

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Spinal Manipulation

In spinal manipulation, Dr. Siegel uses precise movements to apply pressure to specific spinal joints. This technique helps in reducing pain, increasing range of motion, and improving bodily function. It's especially useful for addressing chronic spinal conditions and improving spinal biomechanics.

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Spinal Decompression

Dr. Siegel's spinal decompression therapy involves gently stretching the spine, which helps to relieve pressure on spinal discs. This non-surgical treatment is effective for herniated discs, sciatica, and chronic lower back pain. It promotes healing by increasing blood flow and nutrient exchange in the affected area.

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chiropractor extending arm

Need Relief from Deep Muscle Pain?

Interferential Current Therapy

Our Interferential Current Therapy effectively reduces pain and accelerates healing by delivering mild electrical pulses deep into the affected tissues, enhancing circulation and reducing inflammation.

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chiropractor back pain

Ready for Gentle, Effective Pain Relief?

Microcurrent Therapy

This therapy offers a non-invasive solution for chronic pain, using low-level electrical currents to stimulate healing and pain relief, ideal for sensitive areas and continuous pain management.

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Custom Foot Orthotics

At Broadway Medical & Chiropractic, our custom foot orthotics are designed to provide personalized support and comfort for your feet. Tailored specifically to your foot's contour and needs, these orthotics help in correcting imbalances, reducing pain, and improving overall posture and gait. Ideal for various foot conditions and daily activities, they play a crucial role in enhancing your mobility and reducing strain on your lower body.

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Primary Care Doctor

At Broadway Medical & Chiropractic, our Primary Care Doctors, Dr. Jeffrey Siegel and Dr. Joseph Vitoulis, offer an exceptional blend of conventional medicine and chiropractic expertise. With their comprehensive approach, they not only address common health concerns but also specialize in musculoskeletal issues, providing a unique edge in primary care. Their extensive experience in both family medicine and osteopathic manipulation ensures a holistic treatment strategy, focusing on overall well-being and preventive care. This dual expertise allows them to offer a more nuanced and effective approach to healthcare, catering to a wide array of medical needs for our patients.

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a woman is holding her back in pain .

Troubled by Sciatic Pain?

Sciatica Treatment

Our targeted sciatica treatment offers relief from nerve pain and discomfort, using techniques that effectively reduce inflammation and enhance mobility.

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a woman is laying on a bed getting a massage from a man .

In Need of Chiropractic Relief?

Chiropractic Adjustments

Experience immediate relief and improved flexibility with our chiropractic adjustments, tailored to realign your body and ease muscle tension.

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a box of pills is spilling out of a bottle on top of an american flag .

Looking for Opioid Recovery?

Suboxone Treatment

Our Suboxone treatment provides a compassionate and effective approach to opioid addiction recovery, supporting you towards a healthier, substance-free life.

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  • Why is Broadway Medical & Chiropractic so popular?

    Broadway Medical & Chiropractic's popularity stems from its exceptional care, delivered by skilled doctors who prioritize holistic health. The doctors at Broadway Medical & Chiropractic expertly blend traditional medicine with advanced chiropractic techniques, offering patients comprehensive and effective treatments. The clinic's doctors are known for their personalized approach, ensuring that each patient receives care tailored to their specific needs. This level of detail and attention provided by the doctors, establishes deep trust and satisfaction among patients. Furthermore, the doctors' commitment to continuous learning and staying abreast of the latest in chiropractic research and therapies contributes to the clinic's reputation as a leader in chiropractic care.

  • How does chiropractic care work?

    Broadway Medical & Chiropractic excels in chiropractic care, uniquely combining specialized treatments like auto injury and sports injury care with innovative therapies such as electrical muscle stimulation and spinal decompression. These targeted approaches effectively treat injuries, reduce pain, and promote healing. Custom orthotic fittings further personalize care, correcting biomechanical imbalances and enhancing comfort. Their spinal decompression therapy is particularly effective for chronic back conditions, providing relief without invasive procedures. Complementing these services, the clinic offers comprehensive primary health care services, addressing a wide spectrum of health concerns. For patients with sciatica, their dedicated sciatica pain relief treatments focus on alleviating nerve pain and improving mobility. Additionally, suboxone therapy reflects their holistic approach, aiding in addiction recovery. Broadway Medical & Chiropractic's multifaceted approach ensures every patient benefits from a personalized, effective healthcare experience.

  • Is osteopathic care effective?

    Broadway Medical & Chiropractic's care is highly effective due to its comprehensive and patient-centered approach. The clinic combines traditional chiropractic methods, like spinal adjustments, with modern treatments such as electrical muscle stimulation and spinal decompression. This blend of techniques ensures a holistic approach to musculoskeletal issues, providing both immediate relief and long-term health benefits. Their focus on individualized care means treatments are tailored to each patient's specific needs, enhancing the effectiveness of every session. Additionally, their integration of chiropractic care with other health services, like primary care and specialized treatments for conditions like sciatica, ensures a well-rounded approach to health and wellness. The combination of expert knowledge, state-of-the-art techniques, and a commitment to personalized care makes Broadway Medical & Chiropractic a leader in effective chiropractic treatment.

  • What is the best way to contact you?

    You can easily contact us at Broadway Medical & Chiropractic for your healthcare needs. Simply click any contact button on our site or call us at 516-599-9355. Start your journey to better health today! You can also reach out to us via email at for more information or to schedule an appointment.


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